

Amy + Jason | Beechwood Farms Engagement

Amy, Jason and I met this past summer when they visited from New York to scope out reception venues (and wedding photographers!) I knew that we instantly clicked because, not only were they so much fun to get to know, but they are also such caring and genuine people.  Amy travels the world frequently for her job- lucky lady- and I secretly want her to pack me away in her suitcase so I can see the world, too!

Amy and Jason’s session was a beautiful and sunny day, and we took pictures while talking about world travels and our favorite restaurants, to name a few.  This couple is so smitten on one another- when they look at each other, their smiles shine so brightly and their emotion is beyond a joy to capture.  Take a look at some of the images from their engagement session, and keep scrolling to learn a little bit more about this couple’s story in the Q&A section below!

Beechwood Farms Engagement Photographer | Pittsburgh Wedding Photographers | Lavender Leigh Photography | Blog

Beechwood Farms Engagement Photographer | Pittsburgh Wedding Photographers | Lavender Leigh Photography | Blog

Beechwood Farms Engagement Photographer | Pittsburgh Wedding Photographers | Lavender Leigh Photography | Blog

Beechwood Farms Engagement Photographer | Pittsburgh Wedding Photographers | Lavender Leigh Photography | Blog

Beechwood Farms Engagement Photographer | Pittsburgh Wedding Photographers | Lavender Leigh Photography | Blog

Beechwood Farms Engagement Photographer | Pittsburgh Wedding Photographers | Lavender Leigh Photography | Blog

Beechwood Farms Engagement Photographer | Pittsburgh Wedding Photographers | Lavender Leigh Photography | Blog

Beechwood Farms Engagement Photographer | Pittsburgh Wedding Photographers | Lavender Leigh Photography | Blog

Beechwood Farms Engagement Photographer | Pittsburgh Wedding Photographers | Lavender Leigh Photography | Blog

Beechwood Farms Engagement Photographer | Pittsburgh Wedding Photographers | Lavender Leigh Photography | Blog

Beechwood Farms Engagement Photographer | Pittsburgh Wedding Photographers | Lavender Leigh Photography | Blog

Beechwood Farms Engagement Photographer | Pittsburgh Wedding Photographers | Lavender Leigh Photography | Blog

Beechwood Farms Engagement Photographer | Pittsburgh Wedding Photographers | Lavender Leigh Photography | Blog

Beechwood Farms Engagement Photographer | Pittsburgh Wedding Photographers | Lavender Leigh Photography | Blog

Beechwood Farms Engagement Photographer | Pittsburgh Wedding Photographers | Lavender Leigh Photography | Blog

Beechwood Farms Engagement Photographer | Pittsburgh Wedding Photographers | Lavender Leigh Photography | Blog

Beechwood Farms Engagement Photographer | Pittsburgh Wedding Photographers | Lavender Leigh Photography | Blog

Q: Tell us how you met!
A: Jay and I were fixed up by mutual friends from work.  Although we knew each other a little bit professionally since we both work for IBM (we worked on the same project but in different departments), we did not have any interaction outside of work.  Our friends asked me if I would be willing to go on a date with Jay because – evidently, as my friends say – Jay thought I was “cute,” but was a bit intimidated to ask me out.  So, I agreed to meet Jay for a Happy Hour at a local restaurant / bar that my friends and I frequented.  I knew that the Happy Hour was a fix-up, but Jay did not.  Our friends told Jay that the gang was going out for drinks, but they didn’t tell him that I would be there.  So Jay was a little taken aback, but everyone had a good time at the Happy Hour.  Evidently it was a success, since Jay called me a few days later to go out again.

Q: What was the date of your first date?  Tell us about it!
A: Our first date (the Happy Hour) was on April 25, 2012 at a bar & restaurant called Crew in Poughkeepsie, NY.  Our friends thought they were being “sly” when they all left the table we were standing around to leave us alone to talk.  Again, I knew what was up, but poor Jay didn’t.  But he did think it strange when everyone but he and I walked away halfway through their drinks. 

Q: How did you know he was the one?
A: Jay is very smart, has a witty and sharp sense of humor, and is a great problem solver.  He has very good values and strong ideas about what he thinks is important, and he doesn’t compromise those to “go along with the crowd.”  He is comfortable with who he is today, and he’s looking forward to raising a family in the future.  What really sealed the deal for me, though, is how supportive Jay was last year during the time I was living in Pittsburgh to take care of my Dad before he died.  I lived in Pittsburgh (and worked remotely) from August 2013 to January 2014 to take care of my Dad (who passed away mid-November 2013) and then help take care of Mom and the affairs associated with Dad’s passing.  Jay accepted and agreed that I needed to be away from him to care for my Dad.  He gave up his own time to drive to Pittsburgh several times to visit me and my family, and he was with me for Dad’s funeral and the following week.  He also cared for my house and did repairs there while I was away without my asking, which was incredibly thoughtful.  If actions speak louder than words, then Jay’s actions proved that he values family, he has strong character, and he can be supportive during difficult times.

Q: What date was the proposal?  Give us the details!
A: April 25, 2014.  Jay took me back to “the scene of the crime” (so to speak) and he took me back to Crew for a late dinner after my choir rehearsal was over.  I didn’t expect him to propose; I just thought we were going out for a nice dinner since it was the two year anniversary of our first date.  We had a nice dinner, and when dessert was brought to our table, the owner of the restaurant put a champagne glass in the middle of the table with a rose in it and the ring in the top.  After I said “YES!” all of the patrons in the restaurant applauded and a gentleman at the bar sent over a bottle of champagne.  Jay did a great job planning this because he brought the ring over to the restaurant earlier in the day and made the arrangements with the owner so I would be surprised.

Wedding Date: April 25, 2015
Ceremony Location: St. John Capistran Roman Catholic Church
Reception Location: Rolling Hills Country Club

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