

New Brand and Website!

New Brand and Website | Wedding Photographer | Pittsburgh Wedding Photographers | Lavender Leigh Photography | BlogWelcome to my new website!  Not only will you find my new brand and blog style website design, but you’ll also learn a few more snippets about me and see additional types of session offerings (including boudoir!)

I would be remiss if I didn’t send a huge THANK YOU to my husband, Barry, who put as much effort and time getting this website up and running as I did (and maybe even more.)  I am the luckiest lady in the world to have such a selfless and giving husband.  Truly.

Make sure you keep checking back regularly because I plan to continuously add fun new dimensions to this website (but I don’t want to give away my surprises just yet.) So, sit back, browse around, and please let me know what you think about my new brand and site by commenting at the end of this blog or on Facebook!

Looking forward to hearing from you!

Contact Leigh Today!