

Amanda and Adam | City Engagement

It was the perfect day in the city for Amanda and Adam’s engagement session- the warmth of summer still around, but a slight cool wind announcing the fall weather to come.  We started our session in Gateway Center Plaza for a few park-like scenes, and then trekked all the way around the city for a few urban backdrops.  You can tell how much these two love each other by how gently sweet they are to each other.  We are so excited to photograph their wedding in July of 2015!  Keep scrolling down to their Q&A section below to learn more about them!

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City Engagement | Downtown Pittsburgh Photographer | Pittsburgh Engagement Photographer |Pittsburgh Wedding Photographers | Lavender Leigh Photography | Blog

City Engagement | Downtown Pittsburgh Photographer | Pittsburgh Engagement Photographer |Pittsburgh Wedding Photographers | Lavender Leigh Photography | Blog

City Engagement | Downtown Pittsburgh Photographer | Pittsburgh Engagement Photographer |Pittsburgh Wedding Photographers | Lavender Leigh Photography | Blog

City Engagement | Downtown Pittsburgh Photographer | Pittsburgh Engagement Photographer |Pittsburgh Wedding Photographers | Lavender Leigh Photography | Blog

City Engagement | Downtown Pittsburgh Photographer | Pittsburgh Engagement Photographer |Pittsburgh Wedding Photographers | Lavender Leigh Photography | Blog

City Engagement | Downtown Pittsburgh Photographer | Pittsburgh Engagement Photographer |Pittsburgh Wedding Photographers | Lavender Leigh Photography | Blog

City Engagement | Downtown Pittsburgh Photographer | Pittsburgh Engagement Photographer |Pittsburgh Wedding Photographers | Lavender Leigh Photography | Blog

City Engagement | Downtown Pittsburgh Photographer | Pittsburgh Engagement Photographer |Pittsburgh Wedding Photographers | Lavender Leigh Photography | Blog

City Engagement | Downtown Pittsburgh Photographer | Pittsburgh Engagement Photographer |Pittsburgh Wedding Photographers | Lavender Leigh Photography | Blog

Q: Tell us how you met!
A: We met right before summer break when we attended Slippery Rock University. We were in the same mutual group of friends at first, and one of his friends kept telling me that his “roommate” was interested. I didn’t realize until we returned back to school in the fall that the mysterious “roommate” was Adam.  Our friends insisted that we spend some time together, we listened, and things went from there.

Q:When was your first date, and describe it!
A: September 23, 2009.  On our first date, we had a very unique dinner and went to a movie!  Adam made my favorite dinner, we went to the movies, and Adam asked me to “go steady” by spelling it out on a sugar cookie.

Q: How did you know he/she was the one?
Amanda: I always tell Adam I knew he was the one whenever my roommates and I had all of the boys over for dinner, and they dressed up.  Adam came in dressed -to-impress gym shorts and a cut-off t-shirt! However, the truth is that I knew that Adam was a keeper whenever he came home to spend the weekend with my family for the first time. He was so worried at first, and felt like he was going to be trapped in the house with us, but when Sunday rolled around and it was time to return back to school for classes, and he didn’t want to leave! It was great having somebody that meshed so well with the people most important to me.
Adam:  I knew I wanted to spend the rest of my life with Amanda when I brought her to my house and she got along with my family and friends. My mom and dad loved her right away. She is the first girl I ever introduced to them, and I think they loved her more than they loved me. I knew that I wouldn’t want to spend the rest of my life beside anybody else. She really is my best friend.

Q: Tell us about the proposal!
A: The proposal was on May 25, 2013.  Normally, we head to the lake house for Memorial Day weekend. I was so mad at Adam for telling me he wanted to skip out on the lake, and told him that he better make the weekend worth staying home. I guess he succeeded! Adam had an entire day filled with all of my favorites. He made breakfast in the morning (my favorite meal), and then we went shopping and to see a movie. We had fro-yo for lunch, and came home to get all dressed up. Adam started driving to the overlook, where he planned on asking. However, the overlook was closed because of an event so he had to think quickly. He quickly drove to Mount Washington and got down on one knee. He was so incredibly nervous! Afterwards, we celebrated with dinner at our favorite Italian restaurant and of course, headed to the lake to celebrate with family!

Wedding Date: July 11, 2015
Ceremony: Holy Innocents
Reception: Holy Cross Banquet Hall

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