

Our New Client Meeting Room!

We live in an old house (circa 1910) and each year, we like to take on at least one home renovation project.  This helps us check off one of the million updates old houses need to keep up with the times. Last year, we decided to strip the paint off of our hardwood floors to get them back to their original state.  Little did we know, there were at least 5 stubborn layers of paint on these floors, and at least one of them contained lead.  So, what started as a project to restore the hardwood floors, ended up with new hardwood being laid over top of the old, and the creation of our Client Meeting Room.

We don’t have a decent “before” picture of this room (it was really too ugly to get a picture of) but imagine a small rectangular room with tan painted hardwood floors, paint peeling off of the floor, robin’s egg blue walls, and shabby wood paneling on one side wall.

Initially, we had no idea what we were going to do with this room, but that was the fun part… we could make it whatever we wanted!  With the help of our fathers, Barry finished laying the hardwood.  I became inspired with the direction of the room once I saw what the floors looked like.  Using furniture that we already had, and pieces from Etsy and Pier One, we decided to create an elegant and chic meeting room- a comfortable and fun space to meet with and get to know our wedding clients.

Voilà! Below are pictures of the finished room, which also couples as a storage space for my LLP marketing materials…

And, if anyone knows where we can find espresso colored stain, please let us know!  We still need to stain the window encasements, and have already tried Sherwin-Williams, Lowe’s, and Home Depot.  None of these locations could give us a brown stain darker than walnut.

Wedding Client Meeting Room | Pittsburgh Wedding Photographer | Pittsburgh Wedding Photographers | Pittsburgh Engagement Photographer | Pittsburgh Portrait Photographer | Lavender Leigh Photography | Blog

Wedding Client Meeting Room | Pittsburgh Wedding Photographer | Pittsburgh Wedding Photographers | Pittsburgh Engagement Photographer | Pittsburgh Portrait Photographer | Lavender Leigh Photography | Blog

Wedding Client Meeting Room | Pittsburgh Wedding Photographer | Pittsburgh Wedding Photographers | Pittsburgh Engagement Photographer | Pittsburgh Portrait Photographer | Lavender Leigh Photography | Blog

Wedding Client Meeting Room | Pittsburgh Wedding Photographer | Pittsburgh Wedding Photographers | Pittsburgh Engagement Photographer | Pittsburgh Portrait Photographer | Lavender Leigh Photography | Blog

Wedding Client Meeting Room | Pittsburgh Wedding Photographer | Pittsburgh Wedding Photographers | Pittsburgh Engagement Photographer | Pittsburgh Portrait Photographer | Lavender Leigh Photography | Blog

Wedding Client Meeting Room | Pittsburgh Wedding Photographer | Pittsburgh Wedding Photographers | Pittsburgh Engagement Photographer | Pittsburgh Portrait Photographer | Lavender Leigh Photography | Blog

Wedding Client Meeting Room | Pittsburgh Wedding Photographer | Pittsburgh Wedding Photographers | Pittsburgh Engagement Photographer | Pittsburgh Portrait Photographer | Lavender Leigh Photography | Blog

Wedding Client Meeting Room | Pittsburgh Wedding Photographer | Pittsburgh Wedding Photographers | Pittsburgh Engagement Photographer | Pittsburgh Portrait Photographer | Lavender Leigh Photography | Blog

Finishing off with a little chandelier bling… just because I love sparkles…

Wedding Client Meeting Room | Pittsburgh Wedding Photographer | Pittsburgh Wedding Photographers | Pittsburgh Engagement Photographer | Pittsburgh Portrait Photographer | Lavender Leigh Photography | Blog

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